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“Understanding Hypoxia: Dead Zones on the Pacific Coast” video, 2022


“The Wind Moves Us: The Wind is a Switching Pattern” video, 2022,

“Heceta Bank: Oregon’s Hidden Wonder” video, 2019,

"Ocean Acidification - Changing Waters on the Oregon Coast" video, 2016,


“Climate Change and the Health of our Ocean,” Douglas County Global Warming Coalition, Roseburg, Oregon, April 22, 2015.


“Certain and likely impacts of climate change on Oregons oceans,” Portland Garden Club, Newport, OR, June 25, 2013.


“Tsunami Debris” on “Costing the Earth,” British Broadcasting Corporation, October 9, 2012:


“Suffocating Waters,” Science New for Kids, March 29, 2012,


“New Eyes on our Changing Ocean: Underwater Robotic Gliders and the Ocean Observatories Initiative,” Science on Tap, Hatfield Marine Science Center, Rogue Brewery, Newport, OR, January 24, 2012.


“X-Ray Earth,” National Geographic Channel, May 15, 2011,


“The Changing Sea,” Canadian Broadcasting Corporation documentary “One Ocean,” March, 25, 2010, and


“Dead Zone Update,” Oregon Field Guide, Oregon Public Broadcasting, March 18, 2010,


“Oregon’s Dynamic Coastal Ocean: Upwelling, Hypoxia and Ocean Observing,” Oregon Coast Aquatic and Marine Science Partnership Colloquia for K-12 teachers, OSU Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, OR, February 20, 2010.


“The Nearshore Environment,” Department of Environmental Quality Public Meeting regarding the Georgia Pacific Toledo Water Quality Permit, Newport, Oregon, February 10, 2010.


“Community Organizing, Ocean Style: Ocean Observatories Initiative,” “Ocean Gazing” podcast, 11/27/2009,


“Undersea Gliders May Help Oceanographers Understand ’Dead Zones’,” NSF Science Nation video, 11/16/09, reports/science nation/deadzones.jsp


“Dead Zones,” Dr. Kiki’s Science Hour, This Week in Technology podcast,
11/21/2009, Kiki%27s Science Hour 24


“Ocean Dead Zones,” Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s “As It Happens” radio interview, 10/14/2009, IT HAPPENS/20091014.shtml (starts at 19:28 in Part III)


“Dead Zones: Mysteries of Ocean Die-Offs Revealed,” NSF Special Report multimedia, 10/8/2009, reports/deadzones/


“Hypoxia: Dead Zone,” PISCO research video, also on display at the Smithsonian’s Ocean Hall, 2009,


Interview for HMSC kiosk display “Who Uses Satellite Data,” Oregon Sea Grant, June 16, 2009.


Presentation about “Changes in Oregon’s Ocean,” Oregon Coast Aquarium Rockfish Society luncheon, Portland, Oregon, May 14, 2008.


Interview about “Northwest Dead Zone,” National Public Radio’s “Living on Earth” with Steve Curwood, March 8, 2008.


Oregon Coast Aquarium, test of vertical profiling mooring system in the OCA Passages of the Deep shark tank accompaned by an interpretive poster, NSF-sponsored CAPABLE project, May 2-3, 2007.


Interview about “Oregon’s Dead Zone and Underwater Gliders,” National Public Radio’s “Technation” with Dr. Moira Gunn, February 28, 2007.


Press Briefing, “Predicting the Unpredictable: Marine Die-offs Along the West Coast,” AAAS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, February 16, 2007.


“Oregon’s Coastal Ocean Dead Zone,” NBC Nightly News, October 22, 2006.


Panelist for screenings of “Common Ground: Oregon’s Coastal Ocean,” Bend, OR, May 8, 2006, and ODFW Headquarters, Salem, OR, March 8, 2007.


“Ocean Circulation,” Oregon Field Guide, Oregon Public Broadcasting, November 17, 2005,


Interview, All Things Considered, National Public Radio, “New Dead Zone Forms along Oregon’s Coast,” August 13, 2004.


Interview, Jefferson Public Radio, “Hypoxia off the Oregon Coast,” August 12, 2004.


Exhibitor, SeaFest, Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, Oregon, June 2004.

Host, R/V Wecoma and R/V Roger Revelle Tours during GLOBEC Northeast Pacfic project, August 2002.

Host, R/V Wecoma and R/V Thomas G. Thompson Tours during COAST project, August 2001.

Speaker, SeaFest, Hatfield Marine Science Center, “Oregon’s Dynamic Coastal Ocean,” Newport, Oregon, June 2002.


Invited Speaker, “Oregon’s Coastal Ocean,” OSU Central Oregon First Monday Lecture Series, Bend, Oregon, April 2001.


“Circulation in the Coastal Ocean”, Operation Pathfinder Teacher Education Program, OSU Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, OR, July 1996 and July 1999.

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